4. Clue

Image description: A sparse composition entirely of minimally shaded snow. The small figures of William and Adso have trailed footprints behind them. Adso, ahead of William, is pointing at another set footprints, along with a trail from whatever the unknown person was dragging. End ID.

5. Poison

Image description: Art in bright pinks, oranges, and purples. At the center of the image is a severed hand and tongue; the end of the tongue and the tips of the pointer finger and thumb are blackened. Behind these in two panels are gloved hands pressing down on the pages of a book, under which red flames are licking. End ID.

6. Door

Image description: A digital artwork with two 'panels'. On the left in vivid, rainbow colors is an abstracted depiction of Jesus on his throne, left hand down on a book, right hand raised. At his feet people play instruments, hold bottles of perfume, and writhe in divine ecstacy. On the left is Adso in duller colors, looking up in awe. End ID.

The Name of the Rose November Days 4, 5, & 6

fanart for The Name of the Rose, Brumaire CCXXXII, digital.

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