22. Something Silly

Image description: A comic by Punkitt redrawn to be The Name of the Rose. William is about to take a bite out of a brownie. Adso sees it and panics, thinking "Oh lord in heaven he's going to eat a WEED brownie!!!" He runs forward to eat it in one large bite, to William's surprise. He grabs Adso's face, saying "ADSO MY BOY did you just eat my FOREVER WEED brownie???" Adso replies "It was the only way to-" -then the next panel cuts to his face, rendered realistically and staring straight forward blankly. He goes: "the what" End ID.

23. Nightmare

Image description: In sickly reds and blues the village girl in some kind of dream is shown, her arm desperately covering her flayed face, her hair spilling out. Cuts on her shoulder spill out blood. Her chest and ribs open up, some of her skin on her other side pulled out like parchment paper. End ID.

24. Triumph

Image description: A digitally painted scene with Adso of Melk and William of Baskerville. In the dark, lit only by a single unseen lantern, Adso peeks around William's shoulder as William smiles a tiny bit, spectacles on, gloved hand reaching out of frame. End ID.

The Name of the Rose November Days 22, 23, & 24

fanart for The Name of the Rose, Frimaire CCXXXII, digital.

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